Thursday, 10 October 2013

How to Make Money Online From Home

How to Make Money Online From Home

How to make money online from home
  1. Sell footer links in WordPress themes

    The idea here is that you make a WordPress theme…you will need to use something like Artisteer if you don’t have any wordpress experience. Or you could pay someone to make a half decent theme. If the theme is any good you shouldn’t have too much trouble selling links in the footer. You then give the theme away for free. Add it to all those WordPress theme directories out there. Anyone who installs the theme will be giving the people who have paid for the links valuable backlinks, so they will be happy. You will want to encrypt the footer so people don’t remove the links though. How to make money online from home.
  2. Give away free websites

    This is kind of an offline method, but it does work. Your task is to give away free websites. You target small businesses, or Mum and Dad types working from home. The package comes with a free domain, and 2 hours of setup time. I would set them up with a self-hosted WordPress blog, and chuck on a professional looking theme. There are plenty of them out there. The catch is that they must signup to your hosting service to get the free site. You then sign them up to your Hostgator reseller hosting service which you sell them for something like $19.95 a month. How to make money online from home, You only need to signup 2-3 clients to be making a profit, and if you are a really good face to face marketer, 200 clients will make you a pretty good living at $4000 a month. Another strength to this method is you also have a set of clients to sell SEO services to, or premium theme subscriptions to sites like elegant themes, or theme forest. I don’t think this method is that evil, in fact it’s a fairly solid business plan. But it does pray on the fact that a lot of people don’t understand the costs of web hosting, or the business involved with selling reseller hosting.
  3. Sell text links

    You don’t even need your own a site. All you need to do is find blogs that have high PR, build up a good list. Then sell link packages on IM forums. Something like 10X PR5-6 links. A tool like Scrapebox is great for harvesting good links. When people buy packages, post comments on these blogs, where the URL links back to the person’s site. Probably good to target do-follow blogs like this one.
  4. Facebook marketing

    Our goal is to make a popular fan page on a niche topic. First you need to setup a new Facebook account. You don’t want to lose you actual account if this goes wrong, so make a new one. Add a nice looking picture as your profile of someone who looks real. Now you need to add as many friends as possible. There are methods to speed up this process but the goal is to get a few thousand friends. Lots of people are vein with facebook friend numbers and want to look like they know lots of people, so will happily add you if your normal enough looking. Once you have a good amount of friends, you setup a fan page about your niche topic. Something like weight loss is good, or acne if you have lots of younger friends. Title your page with a catchy title that has good keywords, as it will show in facebook search. Now suggest your page to all of your new friends. How to make money online from home, When someone “likes” your page, a link goes in their newsfeed saying they like your page. If you get enough likes things can go viral here and it can grow pretty fast. Once you have a good amount of likes, you start adding regular content relating the niche to your page.…”read this great inspirational weight loss story” etc. Every now and then put an affiliate link to a CPA offer that relates. Content you add to the page gets added to their feed, so it will get looked at by many of them. If you have a good amount of followers you can make good dosh using this method.

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