Tuesday 1 October 2013

How to Make Money Online Fast

How to Make Money Online Fast

How to make money online fast

Selling an eBook

Selling information online is a a very profitable business model, and selling eBooks is the fastest and easiest way to get started in this segment.
Choosing The Topic
First of all you need to identify a topic for your eBook. Ideally it should be something that will solve a problem people have. Here are some examples:
  • Tips and tricks to make old PCs run faster.
  • A list of foods that worsen or improve acne.
  • Secrets to approach women and get more dates.
  • A blueprint to ace job interviews.
As you can see, all these topics touch on pain points that many people have, and as a consequence it will be much easier to sell such eBooks. If you want some insights regarding the problems people are trying to solve, visit some online forums (this website lists a bunch of them) or check Yahoo! Answers.
Spend some time writing down a list of problems you have identified. How to make money online fast, After that evaluate which of them are related to your areas of expertise or interest, as this will make writing the eBook a much easier task. The graph below illustrates this concept.

Writing and Creating the eBook
Once you have chosen a topic, start writing your eBook right away. Aim to get at least 30 pages of pure content (the more the better, though), and make sure that your information will be top notch. If necessary research online to fill any blanks or to complement your material. Remember to add images and to proofread the text a couple of times at least.
It is perfectly possible to write 30 pages in three or four days, so roll up your sleeves and just do it!
Once the eBook is ready to go you’ll just need to transform it into a PDF document. This is very easy to do with the OpenOffice suite (which is free). Open the “Writer” text editor, put your eBook there (including the front page, the text and the images), add a footer if you want, format everything, and then use the “Export as PDF” function.
Designing the Sales Page
The next step is to create a sales page for your eBook. If you already have a blog or website, you could simply create an internal page and use it as a sales page. If you don’t have a website, you’ll need to buy a domain name and get a hosting plan. Don’t worry, this won’t cost you much. The domain will cost around $10, and the hosting plan from $5 to $10 monthly. In other words, you should be able to recover your investment within the first week if you sell a couple of eBooks.
Here are some basic guidelines to follow when creating your sales page:
  1. Use a catchy headline to hook the attention of your visitors.
  2. Tell a story explaining where you are coming from, what problems you had, and how the information in the eBook helped you solve them.
  3. Focus on the benefits the prospect will get from your eBook.
  4. Include some testimonials (you can give your eBook for some people in exchange for their testimonial).
  5. Include a 3D cover of the eBook. You can either ask a friend to design one for you, or try to do it yourself if you have Photoshop and some design skills (here is a tutorial for that).
  6. Place a large and visible “Buy it Now” button at the bottom.
  7. Offer a 30-day money back guarantee. How to make money online fast. This will increase your sales, because it removes the risk factor, and it will also ensure you’ll not have problems with people filing chargebacks and Paypal disputes.
Setting Up The Payment/Delivery System
At this point you’ll need a system to accept payments and deliver the eBook automatically. The easiest way to do this is with a website called E-junkie. They’ll charge you a fee of $5 monthly, but it is worth the money. You just need to configure your account, upload your PDF, and get the link where people can buy your eBook. Then you’ll set that link on your “Buy It Now!” button, and once people click there they’ll be redirected to Paypal. The money will go straight to your account, and once the payment is confirmed E-junkie will send the customer an email with his download link.
What about the price? There are basically three price points that perform well with eBooks: $4.95, $9.95 and $19.95. There are eBooks priced higher, obviously, but usually they have over 100 pages and are published by established experts/websites. If this is not your case, going with a lower price point will maximize your earnings.
Another option you have is to search for similar eBooks available online, and see how much they cost.
Driving Traffic to the Sales Page
Everything should be ready to go on your sales page now (test is a couple of times to make sure), so it is time to start driving traffic there! Remember that it is a numbers game. Your conversion rate (i.e., the percentage of visitors who will end up buying) will be small no matter what, so the more traffic you can send to your sales page, the more money you’ll make.
The first tactic you can use to get traffic is to comment on blogs, while making the comment link point to your sales page. Make a list of 20 or 30 blogs in your niche, and commit to write a couple of comments on each of them, every day.
Second, you can also use online forums. Create an account on large forums related to your niche, and promote your eBook whenever you feel it is feasible. You can also put a link to your sales page in your signature. Again, if you want to see results, you’ll need to join three or four large forums, and post a dozen of posts on each of them, every day.
Third, you can use E-junkie’s inbuilt affiliate program and convince some bloggers and webmasters to promote your eBook, in exchange for a commission. How to make money online fast. Just make list of blogs where the audience could be interested in your eBook, and approach the blog owner proposing the affiliate deal. Consider that 50% commissions are standard in the industry, so if you want to convince established bloggers you might need to offer as much as 70% of the cover price as affiliate commission.
An alternative approach is to write guest posts for these blogs, and to include a link to your sales page in the byline. This strategy will allow you to build a relationship with the blogger, too, which might be useful to convince him to promote your eBook as an affiliate in the future.
Finally, you can use social media to drive traffic to your sales page. Twitter and Facebook and the largest players here, and you should definitely give them a shot. Depending on your eBook, however, you could also try niche social networks, as they will provide you with a more targeted audience.